Supplements for Superior Sleep

Melatonin is a natural hormone released in response to how our body perceives the time of day, preparing us for sleep. A supplement is useful when our access to sunlight is disrupted, due to jet lag or days working night shifts. Melatonin supplements are effective in shortening the amount of time needed to drift off to sleep, and increase the amount of sleep time. 
Magnesium is an essential mineral for general human health. Found in dark chocolate, avocados, nuts, tofu, and many other foods, the mineral is important for proper brain and heart function. This silverly metallic element helps maintain muscles and keeps bones strong, making it popular with athletes. It is known to help with fighting inflammation, lower blood pressure, and relieve constipation - all effects conducive but not essential to a better sleep. As a sleep supplement, it helps quiet the mind and body to make it easier to doze off to rest. 
Valerian root is an herb found in Asia and Europe that is commonly used as a sleep supplement in the US. It has been known to improve the quality of sleep when monitoring brain waves and heart rate. This herb’s sedative properties results in mild side effects relating to dizziness. 
Of course, supplements are only meant to assist you in improving your sleep, and are not meant to be a fundamental part of your sleep cycle in the long-term. Just as effective as supplements are healthy habits like avoiding blue screens and caffeine near sleep, and setting up your bed in the most comfortable way possible. 

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